Conversion Rate calculation without Conversion tracking

Hello guys,
could you please explain to me, how the conversion rate is calculated, when there´s no conversion goal set and no Pirsch script implemented into my contact form?

Hi Tom,

the conversion rate is always relative to the total number of visitors. 19 in this case is 27.5% of all unique visitors.

Hi Marvin

I don’t quite understand. Both unique visitors and Sessions in Tom’s screenshot are 19. What is the total sum, from which the Conversion Rate of 27,5% derives?

And I have a similar question: I specified some goals, but a Conversion Rate > 0 is indicated, even if no conversions occured:

It seems that the conversion rate applies to the filter, and not to the conversions. This impedes segmenting data to compare conversion rates. Is this a bug, or the desired behavior?

Hey Philipp,

the conversion rate is always relative to the unfiltered total amount of unique visitors. Here is a simple example from our dashboard:

9,2k in total, if you now filter for the home page with 5,6k visitors, you get a conversion rate of 5,6k/9,2k = 61.1%.

So for the conversion rate, the filter doesn’t have any effect. In your example, you filtered for a path, not the goal itself (otherwise it would say “pattern” in the filter).

I hope this makes sense :slight_smile: