I’ve been using pirsch.io for analytics, and it’s been a great tool for monitoring my website’s traffic. However, I often find myself appearing as a visitor when I’m just checking and updating content. Is there a way to exclude my own IP address from being recorded in the analytics? I want to avoid skewing the data with my own visits.
Additionally, I’ve noticed many communities using similar forums. Could someone please let me know which forum software is being used for pirsch.io forums? I’m curious to explore it for my own projects.
Any guidance on excluding my IP address and insights into the forum software would be greatly appreciated!
For the forum software, we use Discourse: https://www.discourse.org/ It has been around for quite a while and is super easy to set up and maintain. Also, we implemented DiscourseConnect, so that you can sign in with your Pirsch account and we disabled the regular sign-up and login. Theming is also really simple and can be done from the admin settings.
Is it possible to apply an account-wide IP-filter? I have multiple client websites in my account. Now I have to add and manage them one by one. Would love to know!
I tried it two days ago and it doesn’t work. I checked my public IP at https://www.whatsmyip.org and added it to the filter but I still capture visits from my IP.