Feature Request: Add AND/OR Filter options

Currently, filters seem to be added with “OR” option only. Is it possible to choose whether filters are added cumulatively (AND) or alternatively (OR)?

Hi Philipp,

This is one of the reasons we’re looking into rewriting our query builder :slight_smile: The API would need to change as well (v2).

Right now, all fields of the same type are connected by OR and fields of different types by AND:

[Referrer=Foo OR Referrer=Bar] AND [Country=gb]

This does make sense, as you always want to use OR for the same fields, but it would indeed be nice if you could change the AND to something else…

We’ll see. Thank you for your suggestion!

Allright, looks like I’m submitting a lot that is in the pipeline already!

Thanks for the heads up and I’ll be reading the coming release notes with anticipation:)

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