Is it possible to change Media to Medium in the referrer section?

The previous analytics platform I used had the standard UTM naming for each area (Source, Medium, Campaign etc)…

But I noticed in Pirsch the UTM naming is Sources, Campaigns, and… Media?

Not all of my clients use a “media” for the medium UTM (e.g. Booth, Event, etc) especially with the use of QR codes for different medium placements…

Hi Dexx,

we used the plural for all the titles, so we went with “Media” for consistency.

I think “Mediums” would be correct as well, would you prefer that?

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Sources, Campaigns, and Mediums would actually be perfect I think!

I know it’s probably being nitpicky, but it would definitely fall more in line with how each site is using their respective UTMs.

If they are in fact just using traditional media sources for their medium parameter, they’ll still know why it’s located there vs a client who is used to looking for medium and now sees media :smiley:

But I know media is grammatically correct so I guess either works, I just know most analytics platforms I’ve used before just had traditional UTM category naming for cycling through them.

I was surprised to see Media, hadn’t seen that used before for analytics